Snohomish County Sports Commission
Business Services Hospitality Destinations Sports Entertainment
The Snohomish County Tourism Bureau is the designated, year-round, tourism and convention marketing and sales organization contracted by Snohomish County to promote the area as a desirable destination for visitors and meeting planners. The Bureau produces a number of promotional brochures and materials. The Snohomish County Tourism Bureau also assists area businesses with tourism development by providing educational seminars, training sessions and cooperative advertising opportunities. The Bureau offers a graphic standards kit for organizations interested in adopting the Snohomish County Tourism official look. If you are considering a visit to the Pacific Northwest or planning a convention, conference or reunion, call us first. Our professional staff is available to assist you with accommodations, meeting rooms, attractions, itineraries and adventures. We are a non-membership, non-profit 501c(6) business. There is no charge for our services or listing on our website.